Passwordstate Download Checksums

To ensure the integrity of your Passwordstate downloads, please see relevant checksums below for the downloads available from our site, or Content Distribution Network (CDN).
Each of these checksums are generated using the SHA-256 Hashing Algorithm, and the download links below are for the latest build of Passwordstate.
To validate the checksums using PowerShell, you can use the following command: Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256

Passwordstate 9 (Build 9873)

- Passwordstate 9 Common Software Installation Process (CSIP) ( - 406EBE9E4D2C2C660A36ABAFABCF7FA788952492A2743506066526A8295BF4BB

Password Reset Portal Windows Credential Provider (Version 1.3.1)

- Only applicable if you have purchased the Password Reset Portal module ( - F15D408F6FBF4D5F3A380076CF3902030733BA6973935DE52A76BD2075EF9EAA

Passwordstate Support Information Script

- Only download and run when requested by Click Studios ( - 04FD159DF80613B96A1616286A81C94BBE7E5185AB556E05FACCE9C42239EBA0

Please refer to the following document for performing of upgrades, to determine if each of these Upgrade Files are required for your installation - Passwordstate Upgrade Instructions

Passwordstate 8 (Build 8995)

Important: Do not download version 8 if you already have version 9 installed.
- Passwordstate 8 Common Software Installation Process (CSIP) ( - EDD74EE5311FDD10542F880411162720299218A6F30D571853CA51E80FA11E97