Passwordstate Download Checksums

Ensure the integrity of your Passwordstate downloads. Confirm the relevant checksums below match the downloads available from our site, or Content Distribution Network (CDN).
The download links below are for the latest build of Passwordstate and our checksums are generated using the SHA-256 Hashing Algorithm.
To validate the checksums, use the following PowerShell command: Get-FileHash <Insert File Path>\ -Algorithm SHA256
Refer to the following document when performing upgrades. This will assist you in determining which of the Upgrade Files are required for your installation - Passwordstate Upgrade Instructions

Passwordstate 9 (Build 9950)

- Passwordstate 9 Common Software Installation Process (CSIP) ( - AE8DD5AF0D984795439E9D1AD525450603D38BB92020B41A0E7787D7F874AB02

Password Reset Portal Windows Credential Provider (Version 1.3.1)

- Only applicable if you have purchased the Password Reset Portal module ( - F15D408F6FBF4D5F3A380076CF3902030733BA6973935DE52A76BD2075EF9EAA

Passwordstate 8 (Build 8995)

Important: Do not download version 8 if you already have version 9 installed.
- Passwordstate 8 Common Software Installation Process (CSIP) ( - EDD74EE5311FDD10542F880411162720299218A6F30D571853CA51E80FA11E97